One of my favourites for content on health and wellbeing, this beatifully crafted magazine is designed to provide 'a healthier look at life'.
Walnut Magazine, Issue 03
Walnut magazine is the brainchild of art director Dermot Rushe and his partner, Emma Rushe who is a natural health practitioner trained in nutritional and energy medicine. Together they've created a magazine that looks at the food we eat, where is comes from and how it benefits the body and mind.
“We care deeply about the environment and want to tread as lightly as possible on our planet and in everything we do.”
The style
There is a great deal of care shown for food in Walnut. The clean design is powerful, combining traditional cooking habits and styles with a contemporary design to bring the old into the new.
Each magazine has numerous recipes to try at home with accompanying photography, homely and decadent, making the seasonal recipes seem fully achieveable. With expert guidance, the shooting style is almost cinematic, with a rustic grainy texture that makes you feel 'yeh I can do this, and yeh I want to do this!', with each image conveying a special moment has been captured, and can be recreated in ways in your own home to provide a unique food experience. The colour evokes richness of flavour and echoes the vibrancy of life of which well cooked, nourishing food can bring, while the messy 'imperfect' food spilling out and crumbling screams life at you.
The layout is super impressive on the mobile site too,with the considered design of the spreads transferred through seamlessly - it's looks like how you imagine fluid poetry to look if it were visualised. I don't usually comment on a magazine's website, but when I saw Walnut's I couldn't help but notice how slick it looked.
The content
The magazine is split into threee defined sections that speak of health, food and people, which are arguably the most essential things in life.
In a couple of the issues I own, there's an indepth article about our neurotransmitter serotonin, an interview with natural skincare brand Odylique's founders, a love letter to rosemary and how different parts of the body might affect the other, like how what's going on in our gut could be related to depression.
I also love it for the smaller discussion pieces that highlight things like Fascia, our connective tissue that benefits from 'micro moving' our body in small managaeble ways we can do every day. It's pieces like these that are fascinating because they are so relevant and relatable!
You can also find some of the content shared online.
The audience
For anyone interested in the food that they eat and how they use it for a fuller, healthier relationship with it. If you're someone that loves cooking from scratch and trying homely recipes that aren't afraid of going slightly off piste in experimentation, Walnut is a modern food magazine you want on your shelf.
A final note
It's great reading combined with beatiful imagey in a tightly thought out design.