TED Countdown - a global initiative to accelerate climate change solutions... Cos spreading ideas are only worth so much salt. We need execution!
Earlier on this year the Founders of TED hosted a live marathon event on YouTube to draw attention to climate change. There was drama, there was persistence and there were surpirsing faces. The event was streamed live on YouTube on 10th October 2020, but don't worry if you missed it. Hours of talks, conversations, info on plausible projects and advice on how you can take action has all been recorded and can be watched on the site here, handily separated into smaller videos.
The messeages are compelling: We need everyone, we need each other. We need action, and we need it now. Coming at the time when David Attenvorough has also made his emotional appeal to the mass audiences on Netflix via his documentary 'A Life on Our Planet'', depressive, emotion, gusto, and a deep visceral feeling I don't know how to explain are all things you might feel, but it's the call for action we need.
If you want to check out the full event, the full live stream is here:
The Countdown has begun.