Sometimes a small considered purchase is just what you need to add the greatest of luxury to your daily routine. Read on to find out how a simple soap bag can reap glorious benefits to your skin and mental wellbeing.
A little pouch of luxury, I found this beautiful hand made soap bag on Etsy. Indeed it is my newest considered purchase, and one I took great time in looking for before clicking 'proceed with payment'. Here is why I do not regret a thing.
The humble soap bag - why would you get one?
“May you skin be glowing and your coffee strong.”
This simple soap bag is designed to hold your soap and extend it's life while the texture of the material will graze against your skin, gently exfoliating away the dead skin cells that can leave us looking a bit lack lustre. Hurrah! A extended life of any product means that the need for replacing will be less, lowering demand and consumption rates. I love when I find things that are good for me, and good for the environment!
Eco friendly materials
The bag is made of sisal with a decorative wooden bead and is completely plastic-free and biodegradable so it's super planet friendly on all fronts. Having just got this, I have yet to find out how long this will last having to constantly stand being wet and at best humid, with its home being the bathroom, but I'm hopeful that I won't need to buy another exfoliating soap for at least a couple of years. My previous exfoliating cloth (not a soap bag) lasted several years which I thought was mighty impressive!
The packaging was eco-conscious being only recyclable and compostable packaging; it was wood wool, cardboard and there was a biodegradable sleeve. Elements like these are a nice surprise when they arrive, however just because you're ordering an eco friendly product does not always mean that the rest of the elements like delivery and packaging will be too.
Try to look out for a note from any company you are buying from that explicitly states how the product is packaged and what in. Most companies will want to highlight if they are using eco friendly methods as, let's be honest, it's a huge selling point, so if this is not written anywhere then this might be an indicaiton that the packaging might not be so earth friendly.
If you're not in an immediate rush, you can always get in touch with the company to ask them about their packaging. They may or may not come back with an answer to your liking, but the simple act of you asking the question will let them know how important this aspect is to you, a potential customer who would otherwise buy their product and it may even sway them into thinking more actively about their packaging options being more eco friendly. Which is still a positive thing!
The details
“I like my products like I like my people; non - toxic”
I got this soap pouch from Starfish EcoHome's Etsy shop. As usual, whenever i am looking for 'smaller products', I do like to go to Etsy first and foremost. I believe very much in supporting those smaller companies that are making beautiful products but sometimes get lost under the big companies that can easily squish out the competition. I try to be mindful that it woud be easy for me to go to a well known skincare brand, but by dedicating a little more of my time to finding something unique and made with real passion and drive (not a machine assembling in bulk), my purchasing decision is that much more meaningful.
It's okay to sometimes buy new
Every time I want to buy something new I feel a deep innner struggle with myself. I think for a long long time, and questions drift in and out of my head as I agonise over my decision: do I really need this? Can it wait? Am I going to have this for a long time? What if I move and then find i have too much stuff? Don't I have too much stuff as it is?
Please don't sweat it! Though if you do, at least you'll have a nice soap bag, perhaps with some nice soap in it to clean that all off.
To keep hearing more tips and advice for achieveing your sustainable skincare dreams, please check back and hopefully I'll have upladed some new content.