Episode 237 of The Guilty Feminist podcast, a podcast I listen to regularly has shaken my attention by highlighting the realities of being an environmental defender in the Amazon, and the dangers involved when the police are not protecting you. Shocking treatment of activists is happening, with people being killed every week for trying to protect our planet.
Let that sink in for a moment. This is not.right.
The podcast is called Defending the Environment with Felicity Ward and Not1More, hence the name of this post. I was very moved by the comments made on the podcast by the people that are working hard to bring this injustice to light, and make things better for those involved in fighting for the protection of the Amazon forest and the local people affected by the destruction of it.
Have a listen. It's interspersed with comic moments while talking about a very serious subject, and includes a variety of perspectives, so whoever you are, you can probably find a way to support.
The mission Not1More exists to provide not only protection against unjustified police brutality towards protestors and frontline activists, but also to provide a space for people to rest, recover and deal with any assault, trauma, anxiety, or any other issues they need to deal with as a result of fighting for their lives (and everyone else's) every day.
We are a small organisation led by defenders. As a donor or volunteer your impact will go directly to the heart of helping to protect people and forests. Currently we are fundraising to buy land in the Amazon and build a self-care center and respite house, Casa de Respiro Florestal. This will be a place of refuge for environmental defenders who are threatened with murder because of the critical work that they do.
Currently the Not1More team are trying to gather reports and evidence of this mistreatment to provide more protection for activists. They need help though:
volunteers who can donate a bit of time to some admin, so if you can spare a couple of days, get in touch with them. This kind of work can be done at home, while in lockdown, and without risk to your health.
land to build a centre on where people can rest, recoup and have a safe space where they do not have to worry about being killed for the activist activities.
donations for the work they are doing! If you can only donate a few quid, please do it.
share the news of what is happening. I am sure many people do not know this is happening, or if they do, it can be very easy to forget, so share the message that human rights are being violated all over the world, unnecessary police brutality is not being punished or even accounte for, and the work Not1More is doing to improve the situation.
Please look at the Not1More website which has more detail on the team and what they are trying to do.
The podcast episode is available on Spotify but the recording has also been uploaded to YouTube if you'd like to watch it there. (linked below)
Video credit: Guilty Feminist channel on YouTube
This cannot go on. These people are being killed for trying to protect the environment, protect communities and stand up for what is right. It's digusting that we live in a world where corruption in politics, corporate power and ethical finance dictate and essentially ignore the basic difference between right and wrong.