A travel magazine that focuses on the city.
Issue 5, Glasgow In a year when travel has been less possible for people, it might seem a bit weird timing to post about a magazine all about travel, but hear me out. During 2020 we got lots of time to explore closer to home. We walked our back streets, neighbourhood parks and close by roads a little bit more. Streets that were already familiar to us became even more familiar. If like me, you found yourself looking at the buildings, houses, and walls more than you normally would, then I think you can understand this: Fare magazine explores the stories that a city has to tell. Even when we think we know it, a city will always have new stories to tell, and Fare picks up on that. I think this year many of us have spent more time exploring our local areas, and I for one am keen to know more about the city that I love, London. Anyone remember that book - Tired of London, Tired of Life? I am 100% not tired of London, and I love to uncover stories about this place every day, so for now I'm okay not travelling and staying home, reading a travel magazine about other places, other cities, whilst being able to enjoy on of the best ones in the world. And one day, maybe I will be able to travel to other cities and explore their stories physically too, but for now, I will sit back with Fare. Visit the Fare magazine website.