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Ethos magazine celebrates great stories about entrepreneurs and business trying to achieve social change.

Ethos Magazine, Issues 02 and 05

Size doesn't matter with this magazine. Ethos celebrates the power in small by presenting the positive work of business through 'good stories, good people, good business'.

“We believe that business can be a force for good, so through Ethos we aim to champion and highlight those who are changing the world through their ethical aims and innovative ideas. Business should be about people and ideas – business models are simply vehicles.”

Based in Liverpool, UK, the magazine engages with those on the front line seeking to make radical changes to the way we do business, forging new positive models that put people and stories into the spotlight.

The style

Ethos consists of indepth pieces and detailed interviews with entrepreneurs that do not patronise the reader, but rather educate and inform in a way that empowers you to feel that you too could create a business for the better. The magazine is written in such a feel good way, without being patronsing, that you feel a true sense of relief that there is much going on in the world that is seeking better business.

The content

There is plenty of information presented for further research if you want to take the reading further, while lighter editorial pieces that feature in every issue, such as the 'Ethos Eight' that sits early on in the magazine, provide tit bit sized information on a variety of positive areas. In the issues I have the Ethos Eight round up is made up of the top 8 co-operatives, accidental inventions, top ethical fashion brands, and smart cities.

The audience

Anyone woud want to read this magazine. It's just plain interesting! It's obviously great for those thinking of starting something new, entrepreneurs and those wondering about where the markets are heading, as well as anyone interested in new marketing strategies, but the pieces are non exclusionary and there is a notable (and welcome) lack of jargon or those pesky business words that most of the time are completely unnecessary.

Businesses are from around the world, offering variety and recognition on a global scale so all stories are real highlights of small movements going on in other countries.

As the primary focus is to 'tell stories' the content provides this community led feeling that allows readers to connect with local economies on a scale that often many businesses miss out on creating.

A final note

This ability to draw people in and keep them turning the page makes this magazine a favourite of mine, and is often one I return to for inspiration or information.

Positive vibes indeed.

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