Here are just a few of the remarkable people out there dedicating their time to inform people on the facts and realities of climate change in an era of fake news and misinformation
Photo credit: Wix Media
These are a range of YouTube channels that may or may not add value to you life, your knowledge and your climate journey. Find a way through, round or over, and stay true to your ultimate goals and values as this approach will ensure behaviour with the most integrity and authenticity.
If you need a laugh for you own sanity, please check out the Climate Town YouTube channel. The guys are great! The videos are well though out with various scene locations, clever shot angles and brilliant sound affects. I find them genuinely funny and they break down stories (like what the carbon footprint and carbon offsets really mean) in an engaging and memorable way.
Seems to be new with little subscribers and not many views, and videos only dating to 2020 but she has already posted a load of uploads and seems to have hit the ground running being consistent and regular. Although it's arguable the videos maybe don't have the production value or polished affect of more experienced video editors and YouTubers, I kinda like that! She has a very homemade organic feel, and she's sweet man! Her editing skills are pretty basic, and it's clear she is still getting used to speaking to the camera, but it is reminiscent of the old style Youtube videos we used to watch years when the whole platform was new to everyone.
She is also really nice and takes time to explain things slowly and clearly, in that conversational style I prefer to fast talking, overly rehearsed explainers. She also has some great ideas for videos, like the one where she rounds up climate news month by month, and she clearly plans her videos well, and takes the time to create very specific, long form focal points. What I also like about the Beckisphere channel is that she has researched her extensively and sources all her reference points, which indicates genuine integrity. Help her get more followers!
I want to be this guy's friend! He is honest about his own faults, and failings, and speaks with a real sense of urgency and plea on tackling the climate crisis. It's refreshing to see someone exasperated while being proactive, articulate, and concise in his messages. He is clearly scared, pissed off and in constant shock at the hypocrisy of leaders around the world. He mentions real tangible things we should be figting for as well, like Universal Basic Income and healthcare for everyone.
He also brings interesting videos that tell you what it might actually be like in the future with regards to global warming. It's difficult to imagine what life would be like, but Kurtis tries to show you examples that make it much easier for us to comprehend what climate change might look like, and how that might affect our lives. He goes into great detail about things like stale air for example, which you can watch here; it's fascinating!
With a channel that's been going for years, Zentouro is probably one of the more well known YouTubers. Why? She knows her shit! She's a fast talker, and has that super animated, fast information type delivery that's become so popular, so if this sort of style grates on you, maybe this is not the one. If you can get past that though, Zentouro is clear, consise, detailed and her videos are filled with undeniable quality content that are clearly well organised.
Adam graduated in climate science and his videos are super sweet. I like that he takes the time to speak slowly and conversationally - it's a breath of fresh air for someone to not use that 'read from a paper and talk really fast with hand gestures and well rehearshed intonation' style we now see so often as people talk at you, rather than to you, presenting an overwhemlming amount of information in quick fire sentences.
Climate Adam gets across that he genuinely cares, and is sweet and nurturing in the information he provides, providing a gentle nudge for those interested in learning more about and fighting climate change, and we need those voices in the mix. He does have a stab at comedy which I personally think is not the best. Sometimes it works, but sometimes I feel it falls flat and might be better left out... that's only my opinion though. I really like the dweeby vibe and think his videos are great examples of silly quirky British humour, and would also be a great options for younger viewers and kids.
All of these wonderful people are working hard to bring the right information on the climate crisis to you. They share amazing resources, clearly work super hard to make quality content and at times, speak to the camera with heartfelt emotions, which makes me feel like I am not alone in fighting this.
Every day I feel like the climate crisis is becoming harder to fight, but I also feel like so much is being done and we are in the midst of a revolution for a better world, on all fronts.