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Three Plants

Welcome to

The Independent Lifestyle, a blog that celebrates independent
people, products, and print for planet.

Here you'll find inspiration for simple, compassionate, and intentional living that contributes to making the world a better place, for all.








Three Plants

At the heart of every decision

Changing our habits is not easy... particularly when we live in a society that puts great value on accummulative wealth, hyper consumption and a capitalist economy.

It takes both individual and collective action to see positive changes so I share realistic tips and honest advice, based on my own journey as well as news of the people, products, events and businesses trying to make the world a better place through more sustainable, ethical choices

Hopefully you'll find practical, relatable tips on slowing down, simplifying your life, adopting low waste habits and thoughtful conscious consumerism.

Head to the blog...

Seeking freedom from consumer culture and a capitalist society

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